Black Butler is property of Yana Toboso and Square Enix. Original characters are property of their owners.
This site does not advocate nor is it associated with any religion. It is solely for the purpose of Role Playing. If you want to have a religious discussion or argument please do so through another medium. Thank you.
Monthly Awards Showcase
Current Month: November
Most Valuable Poster (MVP)
Reaper of the Month
Demon of the Month
Angel of the Month
Character's Name
Character's Name
Character's Name
Character's Name
Best Comedian
Insider of the Month
Battle Arena Champ
Staff Highlight
Character's Name
Character's Name
Character's Name
Character's Name
For more information on Awards and Recognition Click Here.
Characters can come here to relax, enjoy a meal, drink some scotch, listen to the music, or sing your own song. {Please note that I do not advocate the consumption of alcohol in real life.}